Hair loss is a sensitive issue that can cause catastrophic damage to the mental health of those affected by it. While hair loss itself isn't physically damaging, it can represent the health of the person who is suffering from hair loss.
Trichology is a bridge between the physical appearance of repairing your appearance after hair loss, and resolving the very real health concerns that could be the cause. If you are worried about your hair loss and want to know the cause of it, as well as a game plan for how to fix your hair loss, a trichologist is who you want to see. We can check for medical issues that may be causing the problem, and also come up with a path to better appearance—and better health if health problems are the cause.
Without knowing the cause of your hair loss, you can't form a permanent treatment plan. Without a permanent treatment plan, you can't move forward with your life. Fortunately, trichologists have many treatment plans to help give you a healthy scalp and healthy hair.
Common Trichology Treatments
If hair loss is caused by a medical condition, resolving the medical condition usually also solves the hair loss in time. A trichologist will look at the scalp and hair, and determine if other treatments will also be necessary, and if the scalp itself is part of the problem. We may look at the scalp up close with a magnified camera, or other methods to discover the root problem. Among the many treatment options we may suggest include:
- Medicated shampoos, conditioners, or creams: Depending on the nature of the problem, a trichologist may recommend a shampoo or cream specifically formulated to treat the problem. These may be useful if the hair loss is caused by a skin problem on the scalp that is treatable with medication. Most trichologists cannot offer prescription strength medication, but if a prescription is necessary they may recommend a visit to your doctor.
- Light Therapy: Low light laser therapy is another option that your trichologist may recommend. This has been shown to help stimulate hair growth, and may be a good option, especially if the root cause is genetic.
- Nutrition Therapy: Sometimes, hair loss is due to lack of a specific nutrient. If your diet isn't the best, or you're simply missing out on this key ingredient, reversing hair loss can be as simple as filling that nutritional void.
- Hair Follicle Regeneration Treatments: Another common treatment recommendation is Hair Follicle Regeneration treatment, or using the healing power of your own blood to help assist in regrowing hair.
There are a number of other treatments at the disposal of a trichologist. Our number one job is to help you find out what is wrong with your scalp and hair, so we can help you get thick, full locks once again. How your hair looks is often a signal for how your body is doing on the inside, so it is very important to investigate the root cause of hair loss, even if you're not overly concerned about the hair itself.
HRC Dayton has been a leader in hair restoration for decades—and one of the secrets to our longevity is our ongoing commitment to science and clinical knowledge. We are devoted to the field of trichology, in particular. We approach each client’s needs from the standpoint of trichology and seek to provide solutions that are backed by the latest medical know-how. We invite you to learn more about our options in trichology and scalp treatments by contacting us today.