It might start with a few extra hairs on the pillow, or a whole lot of hair in the hairbrush during the morning care routine. Those first few strands of hair loss turn into mounting clumps, and panic sets in. Is that a normal amount? Is it alright? Or am I going bald?
For women, hair loss can be a severe source of anguish. Unlike men, women can't simply shave their heads bald and pretend it's a natural look. Instead, some women are forced to choose between hiding their thin spots in different styles, or under wigs.
Traditional hair styles for women are longer, and thick luscious locks are an important part of how women see themselves. When that identity is suddenly stripped, the psychological effects can be so severe, it can even alter women's lifestyles.
40% of women will suffer from hair loss by the time they reach 40 years of age. That's a surprisingly high percentage, especially when you consider how rarely it is properly treated. Many physicians view it as something women should simply live with, because it isn't life threatening.
The scars of hair loss go well beyond physical health, however. Women who suffer from receding hair lines, or other forms of alopecia often view themselves as disproportionately ugly. A recent study showed as much as 96% of women directly connect their hair with their sense of beauty.
When those beautiful locks start to disappear, it can be highly traumatic. Society views hair as critically important to women, and knowing that those thin spots will be noticed by everyone around you can cause otherwise social women to go into seclusion. Some studies even report that women who experience hair loss may also choose to let healthy habits slip, and instead choose to over indulge in comfort foods and stop exercising, all because of their hair.
While this may seem like an extreme measure, it's a fairly common reaction to hair loss. Food can be a source of comfort, and exercising may well involve exposing people to a good look at the bald spots that can embarrass women so much.
Luckily, things are beginning to change. More services and procedures are available to treat women's hair loss. Women no longer have to hide under a wig, or simply not go out at all.
Now women can get many of the same treatments men have enjoyed for much longer, including hair transplants and other state-of-the-art methods of repairing thinning hair. Physicians are starting to understand that for women, hair loss may be even more traumatic than it is for men. No one thinks twice about a bald man in a crowd, but the same simply can't be said for a bald woman.
For those ladies, visiting the doctor may be a more fruitful trip, helping guide them on the path to restoring their looks and feeling good about themselves again. The road to thick, beautiful hair is possible with the services provided by Hair Replacement Clinic in Dayton. For more information, visit