When is the Right Time to Get Hair Transplant Surgery?
05 / 29 / 19

When is the Right Time to Get Hair Transplant Surgery?

Hair transplant surgery is one of the most common solutions to modern-day hair loss. Hair transplant surgery can help you regain your confidence while enjoying a newfound head of hair. Yet despite the popularity of hair transplant surgery--or perhaps, because of its popularity--there is one question that many people find themselves asking: When is the right time to get hair transplant surgery? Let's take a closer look at what will impact your decision to get hair transplant surgery.

What Factors Matter

There are four key factors that play the biggest role in determining whether or not hair transplant surgery is the best option for you. These factors are: the existing state of your hair loss, the robustness of the hair harvest site, your age, and your expectations.

Existing Hair Loss

The existing state of your hair loss is important because it can help your hair transplant surgery team understand whether or not your hair loss is expected to continue or whether or not it has plateaued or slowed down to a significant extent. Hair transplant surgery is best done when your hair loss has slowed or is more or less 'over.'

Your Age

There is no exact age required for hair transplant surgery. However, some hair loss experts recommend that hair transplant surgery be only performed on men who are over the age of 25 due to concerns regarding maturity and an understanding of the process.

Harvest Site

There is a finite amount of donor hair on your body. If you do not have a robust selection of donor hair, then your transplant team will need to be additionally careful in order to get the placement of the donor hair just right.


Poorly managed expectations are one of the most common reasons for unhappiness after hair transplant surgery. When you go in for hair transplant procedures, it's important to know a few key things such as:

  • You will not get a full head of hair from a solo hair transplant surgery
  • Your team may want to use additional hair from a single donor in order to achieve better results
  • It will take time for transplanted hair to grow into strong, robust hair follicles
  • Laser hair therapy may be recommended to encourage growth

Choosing a Time for Hair Transplant Surgery

The best time of year to get your hair transplant surgery will depend on a few factors. The most important factor to consider is whether or not having to recovery from surgery will put a damper on your plans, whether the surgery is held in the summer, winter or somewhere in between. In general, you will need at least 7 to 14 days to heal and rest from this type of surgery, so make sure that you don’t have any parties or social events planned during those months.

Final Thoughts

Deciding on the right time to get a hair transplant isn’t always easy. Thanks to the experts at Hair Replacement Clinic in Dayton Ohio, the process can be much smoother and quicker than expected.